work riso

A branding identity and printed collateral for a classic New Orleans restaurant and dining experience, based in Brooklyn.

Night view. Photo courtesy of Allie Verlander

Client: Lowerline
New Orleans-style restaurant
Brooklyn, NY

The task was to evoke a New Orleans feel, yet fit within the landscape and sensibilities of the people of New York. The project included a from-the-ground-up brand build-out including custom lettering, menu and card design, conversion to neon-usage, as well as suggestions for dinnerware color and design.

The menu itself has a no nonsense typographical approach to listing the food and beverages—designed as a bit of non-design in the era of early menus made with typewriters on the fly.

Neon sign in the day. Photo courtesy of Lowerline

Lowerline with offerings variant

Menu close-up courtesy of Lowerline

Cards with addresses

Daytime view. Photo courtesy of Lowerline
Dinnerware with red enamel trim. Photo courtesy of Lowerline.
Neon sign production by Paul Signs, NY. Photo courtesy of Lowerline.
Stamped to-go bags